Address425 Pine Creek Court, Elkhart, IN 46516
Call us574-294-5797


Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital. Holistically foster superior methodologies without market-driven best practices.
January 2, 2024
Prepare for the Peak of Flu Season

If you think that flu season is almost over, think again. We’re in the thick of flu season, and you need to prepare for cases to skyrocket at your organization. Do you have the personnel to fill in for team members who fall ill? Do you have precautions in place to prevent outbreaks?  Here’s everything...

December 20, 2023
What We Learned in 2023

Our mission is always to protect you from the threat of disease — which is why we’re always learning more about emerging pathogens, new disinfection strategies, and disease trends. And this past year, there was a lot to be learned.  From a new contagious fungus to shocking findings about school disinfection technology, 2023 has been...

October 31, 2023
Prioritize Health on Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day from Global Ozone! As a veteran-founded company, this day holds a special place for our team. This year, we want to shine a light on the distinct healthcare issues impacting veterans — and what you can do to support better care.  Find out which healthcare issues affect veterans the most and how...

October 17, 2023
What is a Control Board and an Ozone Sensor?

At Global Ozone, safety is our top priority. We’re constantly working to create better sanitizing systems for our customers. Depending on your needs, our products can be upgraded to tackle greater threats. Our control board is the brain of our system. It is constantly working with the ozone sensor and the rest of the system...

October 10, 2023
How to Prepare for Flu Season at Your School

Flu season is ready to rear its ugly head again. You know the drill: teachers calling out, students getting sick in class, and school events canceled.  Now is the time to take preventative actions. Before an outbreak sends half of your school into virtual learning, here’s a guide to creating a healthy and safe school...